As seen on The Erika Taught Me Podcast
Kickstart Your Financial Freedom
with Erika Kullberg
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8+ Hours of Content
never before seen with erika
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Welcome to Financial Freedom
With 3D Money, you're going to have a complete financial toolkit to stop the never-ending debt cycle, stop impulsive buying, completely remove your fear of money, restore your credit, and truly start making your money work for you (just like the rich do)!
Take charge of your finances and your life today.
It's not just what you need, it's for the whole family!

Money and Credit: How It Works
Take control of your financial situation and uncover the truth about your spending habits, savings, and debt. Only then can you truly understand your money and take charge of your financial future.
Eliminating Debt: How It Works
Empower yourself to take charge of your financial future by developing a solid plan to eliminate debt, build up savings, and earn more money. You deserve to live a life free from financial stress and worry.
Passive Investing: How It Works
Don't let your hard-earned money go to waste by leaving it stagnant in a bank account. Instead, learn how to invest wisely and diversify your income streams to secure your financial future. The peace of mind that comes with financial security is priceless.
Are you tired of living paycheck to paycheck?
Were you never taught how to make your money work for you, instead of against you?
Are you longing to break out of the generational cycles that are preventing you from living your ideal life?
This course is for you if...

Are you struggling with credit card debt? with student loans? with a low credit score? to save more than $1000? with sticking to a budget? to save up for your dream vacation? with learning how to invest? with planning for retirement? to build up an emergency fund? to save your first $100k? to catch up on overdue bills? to make additional income? to open a Roth IRA? to save money to buy a house?
Are you struggling with student loans, credit card debt, a low credit score, or finding it hard to save?
When it comes to money, a lot of us fall into analysis paralysis
...we know we "should" be doing something with our money (like investing)
but we're not actually sure "how"
and when we search on Google, there's an overload of information
it can be hard to sift through and figure out who (or what) to trust
...and we end up just not doing anything.
and I get it. That's why I created 3D Money for you.
Everything changes for you today
If you think you'll never get better with your money, you're mistaken.
3D Money was designed to handhold you through budgeting, investing and becoming debt-free. With almost 100 video lessons, you'll gain the confidence to make intelligent decisions with your money, and that has the power to change the trajectory of your financial future.
My "Do It With Me" approach is what has my students raving about this course. I don't just tell you how to do things. We do them together.
Our students say...

If you think it's too late for you. you don't have enough money. you can't break the cycle. you'll never figure out how to invest. you'll never be able to get out of debt. you'll never be able to achieve financial freedom. you'll never own that dream house. you'll never get rid of credit card debt. you'll never increase your income. You're mistaken.
When it comes to money, it's never too late.
I've gotten emails from hundreds upon hundreds of successful 3D Money students. Students in their 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, and 60s,
and each one of them has an incredible story of how 3D Money helped change their finances for the better.
Things that they thought were not possible (like investing their first $100 or improving their credit score by 100+ points or getting out of debt or buying their first house) quickly became achievable with 3D Money.

And if you think it's not possible for you, I would say you're wrong.
You don't need tons of money to start investing to build meaningful wealth
3D Money will prove that to you.
When I was overwhelmed because I was $200,000 in debt and had no clue where to even get started, this is the toolkit that I wish someone would've taught me.
I didn't have anyone to guide me or hold my hand through this because I wasn't taught about money growing up. I didn't know where to start. So I'm creating what I wish younger Erika could've had.
You Will Master...
Learn how to create a budget that you can actually stick to
Improving Your Credit Score
Learn how to increase your credit score
Eliminating Debt
Learn how to eliminate debt with a 5-step plan
Learn how to invest to make your money work for you
Imagine what financial freedom
could do for you...

Module 1

In Module 1, you'll learn how to finally create a budget (one that you can actually stick to)
In Module 1, you'll learn how to finally create a budget (one that you can actually stick to)
because as my student Simon put it: "it's awful to work so hard yet have so little after paying all the bills"
...but by following my signature 5-Step Budget Plan I teach exclusively inside of 3D Money, he says "now there's a plan to make money work for me".
and that's why we start with Decode, so you can truly understand what your spending habits are, how you're saving and the fastest way to get out of debt. And it even includes a proven budget tracker that I developed to make it easy for you to immediately start saving more and spending less.
Module 2

In Module 2, you'll learn how to increase your credit score
Maria, one of my students, used what I teach inside of 3D Money to increase her credit score by 150 points!
also in Module 2, you'll learn how to eliminate debt with my 5-Step plan...
this is the exact roadmap that I used to get out of $200,000 of debt in less than 2 years
you know what it feels like to be drowning in debt, and the stress and anxiety it causes...
where every payment you make barely seems to make a dent, and it feels like you're trapped...
Now, imagine what it would feel like for you to be completely debt-free
and not have any monthly payments to worry about
so your paycheck can actually go towards the things YOU want, and to build the savings and investments for the future YOU deserve.
Module 2 will provide the exact step-by-step and tools you need to get out of debt so your once wishful thinking becomes your reality.
Module 3

Then in Module 3, you'll learn how to make your money work for you...
instead of losing out every year to inflation (which will happen if your money just sits in a bank account)
A lot of people will tell you to invest...
but then don't tell you how, or what to invest in
That changes for you today.
that's why many people never even start
they'll say: "what if I do it wrong?" And that fear stops them from ever investing.
I don't believe in just telling you to invest
I'm going to show you how to invest.
I'll guide you step-by-step through learning what stocks, ETFs, Mutual Funds and Index Funds are
I'll show you on screen exactly how to open an account (and which accounts to open)
and how to buy those investments
and how to diversify your portfolio
You'll gain the confidence to finally invest in the stock market.
My story...

I’m an award-winning lawyer and personal finance expert, with degrees from the University of Notre Dame and Georgetown Law.
You might recognize me from social media, with my catch phrase: “Erika taught me! She's a lawyer and reads the fine print so I don't have to. That's why I follow her!”
I went from being buried in over $200,000 of debt to becoming a self-made millionaire in a few years. Now I'm on a mission to help you and others achieve the same financial freedom.
9.7 million followers on TikTok
5 million followers on Instagram
4.5 million followers on Facebook
1.8 million followers on YouTube

Here's my story...
I didn't grow up learning about money. I come from a hard-working family: my dad joined the military at 18 and I spent my whole childhood moving around to different military bases.
I learned from him the value of hard work. But when it came to money, it wasn't something that we were taught… beyond the fact that money doesn't grow on trees.
So when I graduated law school and found myself in over $200,000 of debt, I didn't know what to do. I felt hopeless, overwhelmed and like there was no way out.
There was no one I could turn to for advice.
That's when I started teaching myself about personal finance. I read every book I could find and consumed as much information as I could. And with the special eliminating debt plan I created (that I'll teach you inside of 3D Money too), I was able to pay off the $200,000 of debt in under 2 years.

Financial knowledge + Action = Financial Freedom
I know, and you know, that empowering yourself with financial knowledge can be the difference between a life where you are living paycheck to paycheck, constantly feeling like you're falling behind…
to a life where you feel truly financially free.
Because true financial freedom means deciding how you invest your time, and who you invest it with. It means having the confidence to know your finances are working for you, not against you.

I have over 20 million followers all over the world who tune into my social media videos to get smarter with their money.
But time and time again, people have asked me for more. That's why I spent the last few months (over 500 hours) creating this course to help you step-by-step take control of your money and become financially free and successful.
3D Money was created for YOU, so you don't have to make the mistakes.
If you’re after real financial freedom for you, your family, and generations to come, it is my life’s passion to help get you there.
This is 100% exclusive content, not available on my social media.
Course Overview: 3-Step Plan
You can pay off debt, start investing & stop worrying about money
You can pay off debt. save $1,000. get an 800+ credit score. make money online. invest. start a Roth IRA. pay off your credit card debt. stop worrying about money. prepare for retirement. create an emergency fund. max out your Roth IRA. purchase your first home. earn more money. stick to a budget.
I’ve developed a system to help you create your own, personal financial plan. Flexible enough to keep your life intact, but with the discipline and direction you need to turn your finances from a stress inducer to a motivator.
See what’s inside:
3 Modules | 94 Lessons

BONUS #1 - My Own Investment Portfolio: The 6 ETFs I’ll Buy and Hold Forever
A lot of people will tell you to invest, but then when you ask them what to invest in, there's silence…For the first time ever, I'm revealing to you what I actually personally invest in. These are the ETFs that I truly believe in to build me the kind of generational wealth that I could've only dreamed of in the past, that I'll buy and hold forever.

BONUS #2 - Every Credit Card I Use (Ranked In Order)
It's no secret that I love credit cards for the benefits they provide. Having the right credit card, and “reading the fine print” of your credit card could get you tons of benefits. For the first time ever, I'm giving you the complete list of credit cards I actually use (ranked in order). There are tons of credit cards out there and it's difficult to figure out which ones are good… but now with this special bonus, you'll get to see which ones have my official stamp of approval (and why).

BONUS #3 - How This 5-Step System Can Get Your Medical Bill Reduced By $1000s
Let's be honest: the medical billing system in the US is frustrating, to say the least. Why are medical bills so hard to understand? And what can you do to reduce them? My students have saved thousands of dollars on their medical bills by implementing this 5-Step System. Apply the tactics you'll learn in this special 1-hour video bonus lesson to save money on your own medical bills.

BONUS #4 - Never Fly Economy Again: How I Use Credit Card Points To Fly First Class For Free
Ever wonder how people can afford to fly first class? It's not just for the CEOs and trust fund babies of the world. It's simpler (and cheaper) than you think. I have never paid for a business or first class ticket out of pocket… ever. And I can't remember the last time I flew economy. In this bonus lesson, I'll give you the 101 on how to use credit card points to upgrade your travel to business and first class, with the fancy lounge access and unlimited champagne on the flight (without having to pay any more than you would for an economy ticket).

BONUS #5 - Maximize Your Next Tax Refund: Using The Law In Your Favor
We all have to pay taxes–there's no way around that. But are you maximizing your tax refund? Learn how to use the law in your favor and get the best out of your next tax refund.

BONUS #6 - Financial Self-Audit Checklist
Identify unnecessary expenses, optimize your spending, and save more money by following the comprehensive expense audit checklist.
This tool will ensure you don't miss a single step to master your budgeting and use the Magic Budgeting Tool.

BONUS #7 - Budgeting Mastermind Facebook Group
Immerse yourself in a private community where you'll interact with like-minded individuals who are also on the path to financial independence.

BONUS #8 - 7-Day Money Bootcamp
Even the most diligent of people can sometimes let their plans get a little off track. Life happens, but my 7-Day Money Bootcamp is here to refresh your money goals and get you back on the right track. I lead you every step of the way towards regaining control.
Take control of your financial future today
What my students are saying:
I think she is doing such purposeful work and I think it’s so beautiful that she’s willing to share her knowledge with us. It changed my life and I know it’s going to change and impact so many people’s lives.
– Fionna
This training has made my financial goals attainable and achievable because I have a system to work off. I am on track to reach my 3-month savings goal in May, that's $10,500.
– Taylor
She’s giving a lot of information that people won’t tell you. I would definitely recommend her just because I think she is an honest and trustworthy person.
– Breanna
It has helped me to catalyze my progress towards my financial goals, towards financial independence. After Erika's training I now know where to put the money…how to manage it.
– Philip
You can achieve financial freedom. get out of credit card debt. save $1000. pay off debt. get an 800+ credit score. make money online. invest. start a Roth IRA. pay off your credit card debt. stop worrying about money. prepare for retirement. create an emergency fund. max out your Roth IRA. purchase your first home. earn more money. stick to a budget.
You can eliminate debt, start investing & get better with your money
Join Now To Get Lifetime Access To:

3D Money: An online course designed to help you take control of your finances, learn to invest and achieve financial freedom.
- Learn how to budget effectively with my 5-step Budget plan
- Access your budget tracker to organize your finances for life
- Learn how to improve your credit score
- Eliminate debt with a 5-step plan
- Make your money work for you instead of against you
- Learn how to invest and what to invest in
- Increase your net worth
- BONUS #1 - My Own Investment Portfolio: The 6 ETFs I’ll Buy and Hold Forever
- BONUS #2 - Every Credit Card I Use (Ranked In Order)
- BONUS #3 - How This 5-Step System Can Get Your Medical Bill Reduced By $1000'-
- BONUS #4 - Never Fly Economy Again: How I Use Credit Card Points To Fly First Class For Free
- BONUS #5 - Maximize Your Next Tax Refund: Using The Law In Your Favor
- BONUS #6 - Financial Self-Audit Checklist
- BONUS #7 - Budgeting Mastermind Facebook Group
- BONUS #8 - 7-Day Money Bootcamp
You'll have lifetime access to 3D Money. That means you can go back to rewatch videos and reference it.
Watch at your own pace. Once you enroll, you'll get instant access to all of the lessons. You can go through them whenever you want.
lifetime updates
You'll get all updates made to the course, and all future bonuses that are added to the course.
Course Curriculum
Module 1: DECODE
Before we officially kick things off, our first section focuses on getting started with the following lessons:
➡️ How Did We Get Here?
➡️ What I Need From You
➡️ This Is The Starting Line
➡️ What I Promise To You
Videos: 24 minutes total time
The money principles form the foundation of the course. Before you can start to improve your own finances, you have to be aware of the foundational money principles that people who are successful with their money follow. We'll cover all 8:
➡️ Money Principle 1
➡️ Money Principle 2
➡️ Money Principle 3
➡️ Money Principle 4
➡️ Money Principle 5
➡️ Money Principle 6
➡️ Money Principle 7
➡️ Money Principle 8
Videos: 88 minutes total time
In order to get you to where you want to be with your finances, we can't skip the obvious: we need to figure out where you currently are. I know it can be scary to actually take a look at what's going on with your finances and peak behind the curtains. But this will be the most freeing part, because you'll actually start to understand where you can improve.
➡️ Where Are You At?
➡️ What's Your Financial GPA?
➡️ Get Your Credit Report
➡️ Get Your Credit Score
➡️ What's Your Debt Situation
Videos: 16 minutes total time
⭐ Bonus Material: includes my signature Debt Tracker that's yours to keep
Knowing your net worth is going to allow you to set targets – we want to see your net worth grow into the millions. This is how we'll track that progress.
➡️ Why Your Net Worth Matters
➡️ What's Your Net Worth
➡️ Average Net Worth By Age
Videos: 18 minutes total time
⭐ Bonus Material: includes my signature Net Worth Tracker that's yours to keep
The budget section is one of the most popular sections – I receive so many emails each day from students who love this section. I teach you how to make your budget an ally, and to learn how to save more money without sacrificing your happiness.
➡️ 5 Mistakes People Make When Budgeting
➡️ The 50/20/30 Rule
➡️ Your Needs, Wants and Savings
➡️ The Happiness Test
⭐ Also Included: Do It With Me Series ⭐
Follow along as we actually create your budget together on screen
➡️ The Ultimate Budget Plan: Step 1
➡️ The Ultimate Budget Plan: Step 2
➡️ The Ultimate Budget Plan: Step 3
➡️ The Ultimate Budget Plan: Step 4
➡️ The Ultimate Budget Plan: Step 4
➡️ The Ultimate Budget Plan: Step 5
Videos: 1 hour and 4 minutes total time
⭐ Bonus Material: includes my signature Budget Tracker that's yours to keep
Module 2: DESIGN
Your credit score matters, way more than you think it does. A high credit score can save you thousands when you go to buy a house down the line. With these simple tricks, you'll learn how you can easily improve your credit score.
➡️ Introduction
➡️ Why Your Credit Score Matters
➡️ How Was Your Credit Score
➡️ Credit Score Factor 1 (and tricks to improve)
➡️ Credit Score Factor 2 (and tricks to improve)
➡️ Credit Score Factor 3 (and tricks to improve)
➡️ Credit Score Factor 4 (and tricks to improve)
➡️ Credit Score Factor 5 (and tricks to improve)
➡️ Monitoring Progress
Videos: 42 minutes total time
It wouldn't be a complete course from me without some Money Hacks. This is a collection of my favorites to make more money and save more money, because we should work smarter, not harder.
➡️ Credit Card Perks
➡️ Credit Building Without A Credit Card
➡️ Align Your Bills
➡️ Automate Your Money
➡️ Extend Your Warranty
➡️ Those Pesky Annual Fees
➡️ Your Ally For Purchases
➡️ Customer Retention Department
➡️ Get Your Evidence
➡️ Control Your Emails
➡️ Never Miss The Best Sales
Videos: 40 minutes total time
Eliminating debt is perhaps the most important thing you can do for your finances. Because as long as you have bad debt, you won't be able to get ahead. This is the exact blueprint I used to pay off over $200,000 of debt in under 2 years.
➡️ What Kind of Debt Do You Have?
➡️ The Ultimate Eliminating Debt Plan: Step 1
➡️ The Ultimate Eliminating Debt Plan: Step 2
➡️ The Ultimate Eliminating Debt Plan: Step 3
➡️ How I Saved $70,000+ of Interest
➡️ The Interest Saving Trick I Used 3 Times
➡️ Should We Consolidate Debt?
➡️ Even Debt Is Negotiable
➡️ A 5 Minute Call To Save Your Hundreds
➡️ Automatically Lower Your Interest Rate
➡️ Pay Off Your Debt (Without Paying Any Interest)
➡️ The Ultimate Eliminating Debt Plan: Step 4
➡️ The Ultimate Eliminating Debt Plan: Step 5
Videos: 59 minutes total time
Okay great, now you have a few dollars saved up, but where should it actually go? This section teaches you where you should put your money to get the most return on it. Follow the 5 Level plan to optimize your money:
➡️ Why You Need an Emergency Fund
➡️ Follow These 5 Levels To Optimize Your Spending
➡️ Keep Your Money Here, Not There
➡️ Should I Invest or Pay Off Debt?
Videos: 26 minutes total time
You're ready to invest, but how do you actually invest? Who should you invest with? What type of account should you open. Your questions are answered here. This section features my signature “Do It With Me” series that my students rave about.
➡️ Why Invest: From Customer To Owner
➡️ Compounding Interest
➡️ Where Your Investments Sit
➡️ Get a Tax Break
➡️ Become a Tax Free Millionaire
➡️ Who to Invest With
⭐ Also Included: Do It With Me Series ⭐
➡️ Do It With Me: Open a Roth IRA
➡️ Do It With Me: Open a Brokerage Account
Videos: 35 minutes total time
Now you've opened your accounts, so what should you actually invest in? And what do all of these terms mean? If you search on Google, that's the most difficult to figure out: there's so much out there and you're not sure who has your best interest at heart and who is just trying to make money from you. Gain the confidence to become an investor here.
➡️ What Are Stocks?
➡️ What Are Index Funds?
➡️ What Are ETFs?
➡️ What's Better: Mutual Funds or ETFs?
➡️ What Are Bonds?
⭐ Also Included: Do It With Me Series ⭐
➡️ Do It With Me: Buy a Stock
➡️ Do It With Me: Buy a Mutual Fund
➡️ Do It With Me: Buy an Index Fund
➡️ Do It With Me: Buy an ETF
➡️ Do It With Me: Buy a Bond
Videos: 52 minutes total time
You feel confident with the lingo, but how do you actually now build your own investing portfolio? The goal is to build wealth, so how do you do it? There's a plan here for every type of person, every age. You'll identify what type of investor you want to be, and then I'll give you the sample roadmap based on your type. Plus, we'll make it so that you don't fall for the investing traps that slimy financial experts want you to fall into (to make loads of money from you).
➡️ What Financial “Experts” Don't Want You
➡️ Diversifying Your Investment Portfolio (for Every Age)
➡️ What Type of Investor Are You?
➡️ Type 1 Investor Action Plan
➡️ Type 2 Investor Action Plan
➡️ Type 3 Investor Action Plan
➡️ Type 4 Investor Action Plan
➡️ Creating Passive Income: The Proven System
Videos: 51 minutes total time
Why 3D Money
This is a way of learning that actually works. You're not going to be overwhelmed with 60 minute lectures that drag on and on...
Each lesson is on average 5 minutes. I keep it short and sweet and actionable. So you can watch at your own pace, and even go back and rewatch lessons.

What’s stopping you from achieving financial freedom?
Nope! You'll get access to the entire 3D Money course as soon as you join today. You can go through the lessons at your pace. Each video lesson is on average 5 minutes long, so you can go at your own pace.
Yes, you do! You'll have lifetime access to the entire course plus all updates I make to it in the future.
I’ll help you understand your current financial situation, whatever stage that might be, to help you get out of debt, get a budget in place and look towards a future of investing. I'll even show you the game plan on how you can become a millionaire by just investing $6 a day.
When I was drowning in $200,000 of student debt, I didn’t know where to begin either. I’ll share with you everything I learned in achieving financial freedom, breaking down the finance jargon and making saving, budgeting and investing a more accessible space you can feel confident to navigate.
While it’s true that the earlier you can invest the better, I’ve designed my course so that you can build your own plan to improve your current and future finances, no matter what stage you’re at.
I know your time is precious. I’ve split the course into digestible short video lessons and will give you lifetime access to all of the content. If life gets in the way, you can come back to the course anytime and work at your own pace.
This course is about security for you, your family, and generations to come. Money is such a powerful tool, and I can’t wait for you to understand exactly how to leverage it to shed the stress, fear, and hopelessness that so many of us feel with our finances. And instead…use it to create the life you deserve.
Everyone tells you to invest, but no one actually shows you how (or what to invest in). 3D Money changes that. We'll cover everything you need to become a confident investor–from how to open your accounts (and what accounts to open), to what exactly stocks/mutual funds/ETFs are, to what to invest in, to how to diversify your portfolio. I believe in showing instead of just telling – so in the “Do It With Me” series, you'll get to follow along as I show you how to open your investing accounts and how to invest within them.
This course ISN'T for you if...
You're looking for a get-rich-quick scheme.
I can teach you how to use your time most efficiently and make your money work harder for you. I can show you how even with $10, you can start investing. But you do still need to put in the time. Results don't happen overnight and it'll take patience and consistency.
You think I’ll tell you a magic formula to investing.
There isn't a 'magic formula' to investing and anyone who promises you that you’ll double your money by investing in X, Y or Z is probably trying to make money from you. What I will give you is the tools you need to start confidently investing and managing your finances.

Erika Kullberg's 100% Money Back Guarantee
Still not sure if this is right for you? 3D Money is covered by Erika's full 30-day Money-Back Guarantee.
Why not try it out and access everything that my course has to offer? If you don’t feel like 3D money is exactly what you need, just email my team and we’ll send back every penny.
You'll receive immediate access to the entire course, so you can go at your own pace. You'll get lifetime access to the full course + all future updates.